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Malta, with its stunning Mediterranean landscapes, rich history, and growing economy, is an attractive destination for those seeking new job opportunities. Whether you’re an EU citizen or a non-EU national, the process of finding a job in Malta involves several key steps. This guide provides you with valuable insights into securing employment in this picturesque island nation.


1. Research and Preparation:

  • Research the Job Market: Before embarking on your job search, research the industries that are thriving in Malta. Tourism, iGaming, financial services, and technology are some of the prominent sectors.
  • Skills and Qualifications: Assess your skills and qualifications in relation to the job roles you’re interested in. English proficiency is essential, as it’s one of Malta’s official languages.


2. Job Search:

  • Online Job Boards: Utilize popular job search websites and platforms specific to Malta to browse job listings.
  • Recruitment Agencies: Many companies in Malta collaborate with recruitment agencies to find suitable candidates. Submit your CV to relevant agencies.
  • Networking: Attend industry events, job fairs, and networking meetups to connect with professionals and potential employers.
  • Facebook Groups: A great place to find new job-posts are on following facebook groups: Jobs Malta , iGaming Malta.


3. Application Process:

  • Tailored CV: Customize your CV to match the job description and showcase your relevant skills and experiences.
  • Cover Letter: Write a compelling cover letter that highlights your enthusiasm for the position and your qualifications.
  • Portfolio (if applicable): If you’re in a creative field, prepare a portfolio showcasing your work.


4. Work Permits and Visas:

  • EU Citizens: As an EU citizen, you have the right to work in Malta without a work permit.
  • Non-EU Citizens: If you’re a non-EU national, you’ll need to secure a job offer before applying for a work permit. Your prospective employer will assist you in obtaining the necessary permits.


5. Interview Process:

  • Preparation: Research the company, its culture, and the role you’re applying for. Prepare answers to common interview questions.
  • Professional Attire: Dress appropriately for the interview, adhering to the company’s dress code.
  • Communication: Showcase your communication skills, and emphasise your adaptability and willingness to work in an international environment.


6. Cost of Living and Accommodation:

  • Budgeting: Research the cost of living in Malta, including accommodation, transportation, and daily expenses.
  • Accommodation: Begin your accommodation search early, considering options such as renting apartments, shared housing, or hostels.


7. Cultural Adaptation:

  • Embrace the Culture: Malta’s cultural diversity is reflected in its cuisine, festivals, and traditions. Be open to experiencing new things.
  • Language: English and Maltese are the official languages. Learning some basic Maltese phrases can help you in day-to-day interactions.


8. Health and Insurance:

  • Healthcare: Malta offers excellent healthcare services. EU citizens should obtain the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), while non-EU citizens may need private health insurance. Most times employers offer their employees health insurance as long as the employee is contracted with the employer.


9. Work Environment and Etiquette:

  • Punctuality: Arrive on time for work and meetings, as punctuality is valued in Maltese culture.
  • Respect for Hierarchy: Workplace hierarchy is respected, and addressing colleagues and supervisors with courtesy is important.


10. Continuous Learning and Growth:

  • Professional Development: Stay updated with industry trends and invest in your professional growth through workshops, seminars, and online courses.
  • Networking: Building a professional network can provide insights into job opportunities and career advancement.


Securing a job in Malta requires determination, adaptability, and a proactive approach. By researching the job market, tailoring your applications, and showcasing your skills, you can increase your chances of finding rewarding employment on this captivating island. Whether you’re drawn to its bustling business sectors or the allure of its natural beauty, Malta offers a unique blend of work and leisure opportunities.