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Personal Identification Information

TopJobsMalta respects the privacy of all users and does not collect any personal identification information. All interactions, including the exchange of personal data such as CVs or contact details, take place directly between the job seeker and the employer advertising the vacancy on We serve as a platform for job postings and applications, but we are not involved in any communication or data exchange between the parties. As such, TopJobsMalta assumes no responsibility for the personal information shared between job seekers and employers. We strongly advise users to verify the legitimacy of job listings and the privacy practices of employers before sharing any personal information.

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How We Use Collected Information

At, we value the privacy of our users and limit the collection and usage of data to what is necessary for improving our services. We do not share any data collected via Google services, including Google Analytics and Google AdSense, with third parties outside of The data we collect is anonymous and is used strictly for statistical purposes, such as tracking site traffic, understanding user preferences, and enhancing our website.

For users who create an account on, we only collect basic information necessary to enable employers to manage their job listings. This information is stored securely and used exclusively for account management purposes, such as allowing employers to post, update, or remove their job vacancies.

Job seekers are not required to register for an account to apply for job listings. Applications are submitted directly to the employer via the contact information provided in the job posting, keeping the process straightforward and minimizing the amount of personal data we handle.

Delete Account

If you have created an account on and wish to delete it, we are happy to assist you. To request account deletion, simply contact us at We will process your request and ensure your account is permanently removed from our system. Please note: this email address is only for account-related queries. Do not send job applications to this email, as they will not be processed or forwarded to employers and will be deleted.

By using, you agree to our privacy practices and terms as outlined in this policy. Should you have any questions or concerns about how your data is handled, feel free to reach out to us for further clarification.

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